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Any Track in the USA Benefits from Great FREE Promotion at RacingIn.com!

Online Race Track Promotion IS NOT EASY... but it is VITAL if you want your stands fuller every week!
To help tracks get as much online exposure as possible, here are our TOP TIPS to make sure YOUR track profile at RacingIn.com is as effective as possible, especially since the site will be used over 1.5 MILLION TIMES in 2015 by over 1 MILLION DIFFERENT RACE FANS to simply find local racing throughout the year.
As you read, keep this in mind... RacingIn.com is a 100% FREE resource for every track to use as much or as little as you want. There are no catches, we do not try and sell you anything. If you don't want to use it, that's fine, but please remember these simple things:
1) Over the past 10 years, tracks who have not used online resources to promote themselves have lost attendance to tracks that do... many have actually gone out of business and that's a shame.
2) If you are relying on the same fans and the same racers every year to keep bringing new people to the track, that's great... but if you're not doing things to INVITE NEW FANS to your track, you are losing out to those who are.
3) DO NOT assume that just because your track has been around for 20 or 30 or 50 years that people know it exist! ESPECIALLY for people who are traveling from out of the area. That's why our 'Track Maps' are used by so many people. If your directory listing isn't updated, people will not consider stopping in when they're in the area.
Our TOP TIPS to make the most of your track profile
1) Post your Race Dates... ALL OF THEM! Yes, it takes some time to get your schedule up, but a 2 or 3 hour time investment at the beginning of the year to get your race dates posted at this page means that they will be visible every week you race. If your dates are not visible, the thousands of people who use that page will simply NOT BE ABLE to see them and will never consider coming to your track that weekend
2) DESCRIBE the specials/features for each race date... When you're posting your Race Dates, the 'Classes' are probably the same over and over again, so feel free to 'cut and paste' from one date to another. However, 'Featured Races' and 'Promotions' DO GET NOTICED! Take a look at that Race Dates page again... If that spot is blank, you're missing out on an opportunity to describe the special things going on that night.
3) Make Sure there are PICTURES on your profile.... It's simple to use the 'Edit Images' feature. Just make sure you only have 1 picture assigned to 'Primary Track Photo' and 1 picture assigned to 'Secondary Track Photo' because only 1 will show up. Assign ALL OTHER PHOTOS to 'Gallery' and then EVERY picture will show up as part of your profile. If you DO NOT HAVE PICTURES on your profile, we most likely will not post it because any post that has the 'Photo not avaialble' picture is seldom if ever clicked on in social media.
4) Use the TRACK NEWS Feature... Some PR folks simply e-mail PRs off to a bunch of addresses and HOPE they get posted/redistributed. With RacingIn.com, if you use the TRACK NEWS tab when you're logged in, that news is AUTOMATICALLY POSTED TO THE SITE! When we see articles pop up, we redistribute them to tens of thousands of race fans.
5) Write GREAT Headlines... And make sure your track name, or at least city or state is included in the headline. If it's not, then 'Schedule Now Available' as a headline doesn't tell anyone enough to want to click on it.
6) Add a Picture For Each Story... When you add TRACK NEWS, if you have a picture that matches with the story, ADD IT TO YOUR PHOTO GALLERY using 'Add Images' and use our 'Contact Form' to let us know you added a picture to match a story you posted. We'll add the photo to the top of the story and it will be even more impactful when we post it on social media.
7) ASK QUESTIONS! If you have any questions about the site or any problems at all, just use our Contact Form to ask away!
As always, the single goal of RacingIn.com is to give every track the chance to engage as many people as possible to get more people in the stands.
If you've found this post and HAVE NOT taken control of your track's profile yet, just find it in our track directory by clicking here and then follow the link under 'Seating Capacity' to activate it. If there's nothing there, just use our contact form to get in touch with us. YES, you must be an actual representative of the track to do so (promoter, webmaster, owner, etc...), but RacingIn.com truly is a 100% FREE PROMOTIONAL TOOL for any track to increase their exposure to race fans online.
This article posted by AnyTrack USA. Click here for more track information.