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FREE Promotion of Any Racer, Anywhere... It's What We do! Options · View
Posted: Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:09:07 AM

Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration , Member, racer, Track Owners

Joined: 6/13/2009
Posts: 77
Points: -640
Greetings Racers!

As the 2013 season looms across the United States, here's a quick update on exactly what RacingIn.com does for racers and why we do it.

Pure and Simple, RacingIn.com was created to help racers get noticed more without having to spend a dime on a stand alone website so you could save as much money as possible for your car!

Already have a stand alone website? AWESOME... CLICK HERE to add your name to our Racer Directory and there's a space to add your website... FOR FREE!

There are no fees to creating a Profile Page.... There are no gimicks, catches, or upsells coming down the road... It is plain and simple, FREE PROMOTION for Any Racer, Anywhere!

Now I know... it sounds too good to be true... and trust me, I've heard that from promoters and racers all over the United States.... but that's it... RacingIn.com is not trying to match racers with sponsors for a fee... RacingIn.com is a place where racers can get noticed for their racing and if you are proud enough to have a complete profile (pictures, race results, a little 'bio' info), we'll promote you to tens of thousands of Fans and Followers through Facebook and Twitter.

As you'll see by scrolling through our Facebook Page, we regularly promote racers pictures and results. Obviously, if there's no pictures or information on your profile page, it's tough to promote your profile because there's just nothing there to promote! After all, which of those 21,000 Facebook Fans are going to want to learn more about a racer by clicking on a page that doesn't tell them who that racer is or what their car looks like!

And while you're at it, remember... Your Racing Pages are 100% 'Sharable' across virtually any platform you might want to share it on... CLICK HERE to read our '15 Minutes to Getting Famous' post.

So there you have it... 100% FREE Promotion of Any Racer, Anywhere... it's what we do!

If you already have a Racer Profile Page, login and update it! If you aren't listed yet, CLICK HERE To create one! If you have any questions, just CLICK HERE to ask 'em!

Cheers all and best wishes for great and safe racing!

Founder of RacingIn.com
Posted: Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:09:07 AM

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