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Hometown: Spokane Valley, WA
Favorite Local Track: Stateline Speedway
Other Tracks I Visit: Spokane County Raceway
Occupation: Owner Promoter
Hobbies: All things Motorsports
Favorite Local Racer: Our very own Crazy Taxi Darryl Carillio
Favorite Professional Racer: Richard Petty
Email Me: Send a Private Message to this User
I’ve Been A Racing Fan Ever Since… Birth,Lol,in one form or another, was always of the opinion second sucks
I Love Racing Because… Is there anything else?? second to my better half anyway
The best race I have ever been to was… Idaho 200 home away from home,Montana 200 every year,Those guys get it done in style,Yakima fall classic would be right in there
The worst crash I’ve ever seen in person was… fall classic this year,full field pile up right on the start,and oh yeah!!we caught it on film.
My biggest ‘racing memory’ is… INDY 500 1982

 Our Pride of the Fleet Darryl Carillio's 2009 rookie of the year car, The Crazy Taxi


In 2007 Kodiakweb expanded into motor sports video production and driver marketing.Our first season was spent producing racing videos for our sponsored driver,Treven Tarr.Competing in the Roadrunner class at Post Falls Idaho's Stateline Speedway.With the success of those videos, we expanded into doing some promo videos for the INSSA, ICAR,and INSCA drivers, as well as the Speedway itself. A new endeavor for us, was born. All of the aforementioned are owed great thanks for their cooperation and participation,making our inaugural year a phenomenal success.
2008 was a fairytale for Kodiakweb. We set out early with geared up cameras.We had the honor of sponsoring Famed Wing Sprint Driver Tony Berry. Tony honored us with an outstanding opportunity! An in-car cam in the famed #53.It was a long process, but between the crew, Tony and myself, we came out with some awesome footage.
I think the capper of our season had to be riding along with our sponsored driver Nathan Fleury to Mission Valley,bearing witness both on and off cam his championship celebration.Nathan was further honored by earning the right to race at the Las Vegas Bullring.Way to go, Nate! We're proud of you.
All I have to say is: Wow guys!! Thanks a lot for the access.I was immediately hooked ;-)
We also ushered in the return of the Crazy Taxi in a stunning yellow ICAR. Darryl gave us our first super stock ride, Both of our first year guys, Darryl and Treven both had an awesome season.
In 2009 The in-car camera experiment put a whole new dimension to reporting racing in the Inland NW for us,KodiakwebRacing went High Defintion! When our first raw footage came across the editing table we were like little kids at the concession stand.With the new systems designed by our own R&D team we were able to put the inland NW fans right in the drivers seat of some of the biggest racing personalities running in the NW, INSSA's back to back 3 time champion #93 David Garber took us all for hair raisers in the Montana 200, the Idaho 200, ICAR's Russ Osborne Challenge "The ROC 99" our first race in which we were the primary promotors,We actually had our incar systems in 4 Late models that race as well as 3 camera crews around the track. David closed out our season for us, hauling dual cameras around one of the biggest race's of attrition we ever witnessed the Yakima Speedway Fall Classic.
Early spring and on the cameras documented NW Modified legends Tim Sawyer & Mark Weaver
running events at our local Race parks, Stateline Speedway and our recently ressurected half mile,
Spokane County Raceway.
Our race team would never let me live it down if i didnt share their endeavors.Our Winged sprint driver Tony Berry ran tough all season,we were there, incar and out to document one flat out professional team and crew.Tonys highlights included outstanding runs of alcohol winged fury at the Spokane County 1/2 mile debut,Domination of the Stateline 1/4 mile fields, Impressive performance with and without a wing at the Cast Iron Nationals at Ephrata Raceway Park, and finally capping his season with authority,and proving his abilities as always at the returning of winged sprint racing to Hermiston Oregons Columbia Motor Speedway hosting the The first annual Northwest Sprint Car Invitational.
Tony as always represented us well both on and off track promoting KodiakwebRacing, INSCA
as well as the Corey Mackey Foundation.
Darryl Carillio put his first full season under his belt in the impressive ICAR entry #76 The Crazy Taxi,
and yes it is schemed in true Darryl form, A Checkered Taxi that will pin you to the back seat for sure on the way to the Airport, D could probably drive your grandmas ol stationwagon to victory lane backwords with the natural talent he enjoys, and he as well put up some impressive numbers all season long, Meter running all the while running the Taxi Duel personality style with a full schedule in two series, ICAR and the fledgling SCR Late Model Series.When the smoke cleared at the end of the season Darryl put a nice big Rookie of the year achievement for ICAR as well as a 3rd overall for points upon his growing trophy rack not to mention running the rest of the seasons event's scheduled for his Close friend and teammate Travis Cox.We lost Travis mid season in a horrible off track auto accident.Darryl rose above grief to finish Travis
season in the Car they both had labored in creating for a wednesday night Stateline Speedway Bump to pass entry,Honoring the memory of Travis.We were very proud to be involved.Our camera's had the honor of documenting a very emotional season for Darryl and his family,friends and crew.
WTG Bud we are proud to have you as a part of KWR.
Our own Superstock driver Rusty Webb sported a newly purchased ride to bear the #88 this season, running a limited schedule yet truly putting up some impressive numbers in a very tough INSSA division.
Rusty earned a lot of respect in his efforts both in big events at Spokane County Raceway,and Stateline Speedway. Capping his season and our very first entry in a major inland northwest race, the Idaho 200,
hosted by our own home track, Stateline Speedway. Rusty put up some thrilling runs for our incar and its fans and we will be working hard to get his team the recognition it deserves and the support required to keep him running up front.
These guys mentioned above are truly talented and professional,every one of them.We are very blessed
in having them aboard.Thanks guys for putting into the checkers so many times through out the season. It is we that are honored by your participation with us.
Now I couldnt close this out with out mentioning this kid,We spotted him early on as a flat out pure talent and he was the first to carry our logo,Treven Tarr comes from a whole family of Racers, they all eat and breathe racing no matter what form. Treven runs at least three circuits every year you can see him runnin the P waddin out of a roadrunner as well as a fever 4 at Stateline Speedways Wednesday Night Fever.
And also runs a Hobby Stock entry on Saturdays along with all of his family. His father Matt was a true legend in his day here in Spokane and Dads teachings shine through in Treven. Living in that household racing is in your blood and you've probably had wheel time competitively before your feet could reach the pedals in one form or another. 9 kids adorn that family and most of them race.We truly admire the wholesome example set by this family towards their peers in the community.Treven grows in talent exponentially every year, But what makes us more proud to be a part of them more then anything are
what they represent to family values as a whole. The Camera rides with Treven are always full of action
sometimes controversy,to describe a ride with him, Two words: Dale Earndhart.
Treven will go far in Racing, Keep it up Kid!!
We travel all over Washington, Idaho and Montana,It's a great community.We enjoy you all. We thank you for making it all happen for year we are gearing up to bring an even more exciting perspective to our productions, including a more sophisticated in-car cam system, as well as higher quality productions.
We would like to thank the Staff of for giving us the opportunity to expand our horizons and stretch our wings a bit,bringing the endeavors of not only our drivers,but events and news from all over the inland NW to a national audience.
Lets get it on in 2010.
best regards
Michael, Lisa & Steve,
as well as our extended staff.
None listed at this time.