Promoting YOUR Business to Race Fans and Racers


Here are a few facts about those fans and/or racers that can introduce your business to:

  • In 2015, will be used by over 1 MILLION race fans
  • Over 3 MILLION pages of information will be viewed on in 2015
  • Through Facebook, Twitter, & EMail, we regularly engage over 65,000 fans and/or racers

If that's an audience you'd like to promote your products or services to, we'd love an opportunity to help you grow your business.  If you'd like to learn more, just CLICK HERE to request a full overview.

If you already know enough about and want to get started promoting your business right away, just review these pictures of the site and then purchsae your ad spaces using the grid below.

There are 5 Basic Spaces (1 is No Longer Available) on RacingIn where we show the advertisements of businesses like yours.  They're pictured here and described below:


REMEMBER... offers FREE BASIC AD DESIGN to every advertiser as well... so if you need a graphic, just let us know by clicking here


Placement Description

Click to Purchase

 Headlining EVERY Page


Description: A 728 x 90 banner space visible atop ALL NON-FORUM PAGES on

Sold by: 'Cost Per Thousand' (CPM) model,  You pay $6.50 for every 1,000 times your ad is displayed on the site.

Minimum Purchase: $65 for 10,000 impressions in a one month period.

 When 'Shopping Cart' appears on the right side of your screen, click 'Edit Items' to set your investment level by choosing the number of impressions you'd like to purchase

Any Questions? CLICK HERE

 Site Wide ABOVE The Scroll


Description: A 300x250 or 336x280 display space visible on ALL NON-FORUM PAGES on

Sold by: 'Cost Per Thousand' (CPM) model,  You pay $6.50 for every 1,000 times your ad is displayed on the site.

Minimum Purchase: $65 for 10,000 impressions in a one month period.


 When 'Shopping Cart' appears on the right side of your screen, click 'Edit Items' to set your investment level by choosing the number of impressions you'd like to purchase

Any Questions? CLICK HERE

Right Side, Site Wide


Description: A 'Maximum Reach' unit visible in the right column of ALL NON-FORUM PAGES viewed at


Minimum Purchase: $350 provides you with 20% of ALL BANNERS SERVED in this position in a given month. 

CLICK HERE to ask specific questions about this unit



When 'Shopping Cart' appears on the right side of your screen, click 'Edit Items' to set your investment level

Any Questions? CLICK HERE

 Top Right, Profiles & Track Maps


Description: An advertising unit visible in the top right position on all 2-Column pages (Track/Racer/Fan profiles, Race Dates, and Track Maps).


Minimum Purchase: $75 provides you with 1/9th of ALL ADS SERVED in this position in a given month. 

CLICK HERE to ask specific questions about this unit


When 'Shopping Cart' appears on the right side of your screen, click 'Edit Items' to set your investment level

Any Questions? CLICK HERE


2 FREE BENEFITS, you won't find elsewhere!


Many websites just ask for your credit card to reserve payment and wait for you to send your ads to them... Not at

YOUR INVESTMENT in your marketing means more than just revenue to us.  So, to help make sure your campaign is designed to be as successful as possible we offer these 2 benefits to EVERYONE who purchases advertising:

1)  FREE MARKETING CONSULTATION with the owner of  With over 16 years of broadcast advertising and motorsports marketing experience, I will help you make informed decisions about your marketing!

2)  FREE BASIC BANNER DESIGN:  Another FREE SERVICE others charge for.  Should you  before you even choose to purchase anything.  Just CLICK HERE to get in touch, let us know you're interested, and within 2 business days, we'll create a sample banner for your business. 

CLICK HERE to request more information and I'll look forward to talking to you soon!

Scott Kosak

Founder of, For Fans of Fast

CLICK HERE to contact me! reserves the right, at it's own discretion, to refuse advertising to businesses that may be deemed competitive to