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Hometown: marriottsville, MD
Favorite Local Track: lincoln speedway
Other Tracks I Visit: trail ways and Williams grove
Occupation: construction
Hobbies: racing
Favorite Local Racer: all
Favorite Professional Racer: all
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I’ve Been A Racing Fan Ever Since… i was a baby
I Love Racing Because… thats what i like
The best race I have ever been to was… every time i go
The worst crash I’ve ever seen in person was… i dont like the crashs
My biggest ‘racing memory’ is… all of them
| was started to help provide the thundercar division with trophies and cash awards. we are seeking sponsors and marketing partners to help us grow and help this great racing class as much as possible .
we have points title sponsorship thats needed
weekly trophy and cash award spots open for the rest of this season and next year
and driver- team sponsorships needed
None listed at this time.