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Hometown: interlachen, FL
Favorite Local Track: north florida speedway
Hobbies: racing,
Favorite Local Racer: robin gering #35, bod dowling #55, david dowling #66, jimmy dowling jr #88, #77
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I’ve Been A Racing Fan Ever Since… i was born and the very first time i stepped foot into a race track i come from a long range of family racers.
I Love Racing Because… no matter what happens no matter how hard life gets and no matter how big the challenge you must always continue to open up shop get to work make the season happen and have fun that's what makes a track so special because they never give up on their racers, their track, or their team they stick together as one and never abandon one another. they stand by each other and stick together as a team and as a family no matter what.
The worst crash I’ve ever seen in person was… when one of the racers was near the finish line but by the time they got there the whole front of the car busted in to flames and the car flipped over luckly he was ok
My biggest ‘racing memory’ is… every time i walk in to a race track i know theres always going to be something amazing to expect. you come in with the best intentions at hand and leave knowing even if you didnt win you still had a fun time racing.

i love racing because ive always felt like it was what i was meant to do, i grew up around it. racing is my whole life and i wouldn't know what to do with out it. its a place where you can have fun, bring families together, and have something to bond over and support each other and congratulate one another and fellow racers even if they didn't win they still had fun. and i hate to see an amazing track that's been around for so long have to be put up for sale or shut down for any reason wether it be simple health violation, or not having enough money to pay the bills or whatever it may be, but even then i will do my best and try my hardest to save it, pitch in and give my fair share to help out that's what everyone in a team should do pitch in, because we're all a part of a team and when its falling or is in trouble you help them out! not back down mope over it and pretend its nothing that's not how you get things done that's how you make a problem worse because your making it seem like you don't care about it and that's not right. treat it like your when your car gets banged up and you fix it when it happpeds not wait until last minute when its falling apart at the seams. if any thing always remember this: no matter what happens no matter how hard life gets and no matter how big the challenge you must always continue to open up shop get to work make it happen and have fun that's what makes a track so special because they never give up on their racers, their track, or their team they stick together as one and never abandon one another. however, even though i might not be a racer yet i still come form a intire family of racers and i can gladly say that racing isnt just a sport, or a hobbie you can just tose to the side when ever you feel like it, or even just something to do when your bored. racing is a legucy racing is something you take pride in. when you look at the people in your class how do you see them do you see them as a friend, compainion, and fellow team mate? do you see them as individual players in the same class? or do you see them as a family? oh and another thing what ever grude you may posably have for what ever reason when you get on that tract forget about it you get in your car you get on that track do your job rack in the points and have fun. racing is my dream so if anything please fight for what you love dont let it slip away from you dont let it waste away keep fighting in any and every way posible even if theres nothing you can do that dosent mean you still shouldnt try anyways. we fight today, we fight tommorow, we fight everyday to keep alive no matter what. i will fight everyday to keep it open i grew up a racer and i will go out with my dying breath a racing racing means everything to me its the first thing i think about when i wake up and the last thing i think about before i fall asleep
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