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Hometown: Danbury, CT
Favorite Local Track: Stafford Motor Speedway
Other Tracks I Visit: Woodstock Fair, Daytona,Sugarhill,Pomfret
Occupation: Student
Hobbies: Paint,Draw, Play with friends
Favorite Local Racer: My brother, Teddy Hodgdon
Favorite Professional Racer: Danica Patrick
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I’ve Been A Racing Fan Ever Since… My brother started racing in 2008 and I began going to the track with him.
I Love Racing Because… When I am at the racetrack with my friends we have lots of fun and we get to watch our brothers race.
The best race I have ever been to was… The Daytona 500 in 2008, because my friends Reed and Melissa were there and best of all, my Uncle Jeff posted a video of us on YOUTUBE!
The worst crash I’ve ever seen in person was… When Devin flipped at Stafford, but he was okay.
My biggest ‘racing memory’ is… I was buying Pizza when my brother won his first Feature race:)

 Me and Mommy
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